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Reshade + SweetFXReshade + SweetFX

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PBY5 Catalina seaplane

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Views : 578 ( +1 )
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 04/12/2016 9:44:01 PM
Rating :
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BY5 Catalina seaplane + add-on - by "elcreador"

Conversion from FSX with textures from SkylineGTRFreak model, a wonderfull SA model,that i tried to convert but is very detailed and doesn`t work.

This mod replace cuban800 plane (or another plane). Amphibious vehicle.

I hope you like.


-replace folder (with install instructions)

-add-on folder (with install instructions)

Similar1. Ford Focus SVT MK1 - v2.0
2. Mercedes-Benz 500E (W124) - [Add-On / Replace] v1.0
3. Grotti Cheetah - Beta + Custom
4. Ford Connect - [Replace] 1.1
5. Ford Mustang Fastback (1968) - [Add-On / Replace] 1.1
6. Fiat Punto ELX (2011) - Rebaixado + Som 3.0
7. Volkswagen Golf Flash (2006) - [Add-On / Replace] 1.0
8. Honda CB650F (2015) - 2.0
1. ( 23.9 Mb )
PBY5 Catalina seaplane PBY5 Catalina seaplane PBY5 Catalina seaplane PBY5 Catalina seaplane
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