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Reshade + SweetFXReshade + SweetFX

Небольшой графический мод для Resident Evil Zero HD Remaster....

Stat ( goldsrc tutorials ), pcs.

First Person Shooter

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First Person Shooter

Views : 3723 ( +3 )
Downloads : 181
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 10/30/2013 1:23:13 PM
Rating :
 ( 5 ) 
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Version : 1.0
Developer / (s) : Eyaura
Release date : 12/19/2011

Following translations are available : | russian |

The air is foul and corporate fascism reigns in the not too distant future. Somewhere in the North American Union you are Myo Hyori, an 18 year-old girl of Korean descent who has had enough. Oh and you can start fires- with your mind. This makes your corporate owners very nervous…

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5. Rexaura - Puzzle Compilation
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7. Keys - First Person Shooter, Abstract
8. A Minuted Millions - Adventure
9. Cosmonaut - Cosmonaut is a Half-Life Two: Episode Two mod that recreates the style of game-play from the Half-Life series whilst providing a variety of locations to explore as you encounter Combine Soldiers, Antlions, and a wide range of other enemies. The mod sticks to the formula that worked in Half-Life Two in the hope that it is fun to play, and brings about many nostalgic memories.
1. ( 1.6 Gb )
G string G string G string G string G string G string G string G string G string
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
Xawor 03/11/2021, 12:00:20 PM commented :
Спустя много лет мод превратился в полноценную игру, выпущенную в Steam в прошлом году (правда теперь она платная). Кому интересно вот ссылка:
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