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First Person Shooter...


is a mod based on Half-Life 2, using modified Source SDK 2013.

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Lost Industry 2

is a mod based on Half-Life 2, using modified Source SDK 2013.

Views : 1088 ( +2 )
Downloads : 99
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 11/18/2020 5:20:43 PM
Rating :
 ( 5 ) 
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Developer / (s) : Ikarus Software
Release date : 05/1/2020

Following translations are available : | english |


Lost Industry 2 takes place in a Combine weapon factory.
Rebels in City17 are running low on usable weapons, ammo and supplies.
They decide to get the help of Gordon Freeman. The resistance members came up with a plan.
They want Doctor Freeman to sneak inside the factory silently, weaken it's defense systems

and give signal for the rebels waiting outside to begin their assault.

But the mission didn't go as they planned...


Gordon got spotted while he was inside the facility and the combine sounded the

alarm and the whole place went under lockdown.

Freeman, while fleeing from the combine, desperately trying to find

a radio where he can contact the leader of the operation got surrounded.

As he realized he was outnumbered, he jumped into a metal elevator,

pressed the button, and then started descending into the unknown.

Similar1. Half-life Metro Mod - Небольшой симулятор метро
2. Bunker 66 - There wasn’t any epidemic in the bunker 66, the virus wasn’t turning people into zombies, there wasn’t any supernatural forces. Mold.
3. Lunar Descent - First Person Shooter
4. Dangerous World - You play as one of the human rebels - Frank Harrison, who's currently in his hideout outside City 17.
5. Half-Life: Source Fixed - Модификация-патч, приводящая полусырой оригинальный Half-Life: Source от Valve в презентабельный вид
1. ( 1001.8 Mb )
Lost Industry 2 Lost Industry 2 Lost Industry 2 Lost Industry 2 Lost Industry 2 Lost Industry 2 Lost Industry 2 Lost Industry 2 Lost Industry 2 Lost Industry 2
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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