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Part Two

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The Citizen Part II

Part Two

Views : 3268 ( +1 )
Downloads : 106
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 02/08/2014 4:48:31 PM
Rating :
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Developer / (s) : Kasperg
Release date : 12/23/2010

Following translations are available : | english | russian |

Set in and around City 17, "The Citizen Part Two" contains the next three chapters of our citizen’s story. After the events of the previous two chapters, you find yourself rescued from the grave by rebels, among whom you are now a valuable asset. Taken to a makeshift field hospital, you recover in the hands of rebel medics. But the Combine are determined to crush the rebels out of existence, and the peace can’t last long. You will face choices, and how you decide to proceed will ultimately dictate how the story plays out for you. Some choices are less obvious than others, and require you to take initiative where you otherwise might be distracted. One way or another, it’s time to take back the city.

Similar1. Eye of the Storm: Episode 1 - Продолжение мода Ravenholm
2. Mission Improbable — Chapter 2: Reverse Advance - Секрет создания успешной модификации на самом деле весьма прост: мод должен быть увлекательным, ни одна секунда игрового времени не должна раздражать или вгонять в скуку игрока. Если следовать этим правилам, получаются настоящие шедевры.
3. City_SPb2 v.1.0 - Город Санкт-Петербург, будущее...
4. Awakening - Сюжет Awakening разворачивается за некоторое время до событий Half-Life 2 на одной из арктических баз Сопротивления, которую штурмует Альянс.
5. The Intern's Story - Adventure, Horror
6. League's Mod - То же самое, что Garry's Mod.
7. Half Life 2: Raising the Bar Redux - Experience Half-Life 2 like never before.
1. ( 207.1 Mb )
The Citizen Part II The Citizen Part II The Citizen Part II The Citizen Part II The Citizen Part II The Citizen Part II
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
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