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Valve’s weekly update to the CS:GO beta was released a 2 days ago, featuring a host of minor changes as well as quickmatch changing to cs_italy and four new guns...

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CS:GO Beta Update: cs_italy, New Guns, More Invites and Chickens

Valve’s weekly update to the CS:GO beta was released a 2 days ago, featuring a host of minor changes as well as quickmatch changing to cs_italy and four new guns...

Views : 1537 ( +2 )
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Uploader : SlaY_61
Created : 03/18/2012 6:20:28 AM
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Tags : CS: GO, Valve, Beta Update

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Valve’s weekly update to the CS:GO beta was released a 2 days ago, featuring a host of minor changes as well as quickmatch changing to cs_italy (the first time we’ve seen Italy in Global Offensive), the addition of Arsenal: Demolition map St. Marc, and four new guns – the FAMAS, Galil, P250 and Dual Berettas aka “Dualies”. Additionally, they have sent out another wave of beta invites to survey takers, as well as sending out some CS:GO beta passes so folks can give a beta key to their friend. Restart your Steam client to see if you got accepted into the beta or not.

You’ll all be happy to hear that chickens have returned to Italy after their mysterious absence in the Source version of Italy – now you can find one kicking around the CT spawn area. We’ll have a full host of screenshots of both Italy and St. Marc up soon, along with some recorded gameplay footage of Italy and hostage mode in action.

Following is the changelog for today’s Counter-Strike: Global Offensive beta update which can also be found on Steam.

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3. Hitboxes - One change that people may have missed, and whose impact might be mis-attributed to other factors, is that the hitboxes in CS:GO are smaller.
4. Для сотрудников Valve - Интересный документ
5. Начались бесплатные выходные в CS:GO - Стоимость игры составила 299 рублей
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SlaY_61 03/18/2012, 6:26:00 AM commented :
у CT теперь есть двойные беретты?! О_о
ZAZA 03/18/2012, 6:40:32 AM commented :
а щит они наверно в зубах понесут :)
Cep}|{ 03/18/2012, 6:41:23 AM commented :
Боты научились кур гонять =)))
SlaY_61 03/18/2012, 6:43:17 AM commented :
мне кажется они откажутся от щита в этой версии КС!
SlaY_61 03/18/2012, 6:44:11 AM commented :
А вот куры тут классно сделаны!!! Бегают, кудахтают... И выглядят как настоящие! =)))
SlaY_61 03/18/2012, 6:47:08 AM commented :
Блин, где бы взять ключ в бете?! Я бы свежие скрины выкладывал.
_enCos._ 03/19/2012, 1:22:59 PM commented :
Я что то не понял сдесь можно за каждого бота играть после смерти?!и Италию сильно урбанизировали!это к лучшему!
SlaY_61 03/20/2012, 7:02:02 AM commented :
Нет! ))))) за ботов нельзя играть ))))
MAM6A 03/22/2012, 2:10:47 PM commented :
Классно сделали новую кс, как там по железу?
SlaY_61 03/24/2012, 12:32:07 PM commented :
пока ещё не известно точно... Это бета, её всё ещё оптимизируют под разное железо.
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