Stat ( source software ), pcs.
In this game, you watch paint dry in real time. There's also some other things but it's mostly about watching paint dry. Have fun.
Watching Paint Dry: The Game
In this game, you watch paint dry in real time. There's also some other things but it's mostly about watching paint dry. Have fun.
Views : 1359 ( +1 ) Downloads : 48 Uploader : NitrO Created : 11/19/2020 5:26:03 AM Rating : ( 5 ) Share :
Data Developer / (s) : DEVBEEF
Release date : 07/3/2019
Following translations are available : |
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Similar 1. Zombie Colony - Real Time Shooter 2. Awakening - Сюжет Awakening разворачивается за некоторое время до событий Half-Life 2 на одной из арктических баз Сопротивления, которую штурмует Альянс. 3. Half Life : Climbox - First Person Shooter 4. Keys - First Person Shooter, Abstract
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
Xawor 05/04/2022, 10:54:46 PM commented :
#1 Гениальный мод. Фактор катарсиса его настоящей концовки в десять раз выше, чем у оной в Nightmare House 2.
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