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This mod is set in Games Workshop's, great Warhammer 40,000 ( 40k ) universe. Each map pits Imperial Space Marines against the Tyranid swarm, competing in a series of mission objectives, culminating in a battle to decide the fate of the planet.

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This mod is set in Games Workshop's, great Warhammer 40,000 ( 40k ) universe. Each map pits Imperial Space Marines against the Tyranid swarm, competing in a series of mission objectives, culminating in a battle to decide the fate of the planet.

Views : 1707 ( +2 )
Downloads : 24
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 08/22/2016 3:27:52 PM
Rating :
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Version : Alpha 9.17
Release date : 01/1/2010
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Following translations are available : | russian |

Exterminatus : Destruction of all life on a world by the Imperium of man.

This mod is set in Games Workshop's, great Warhammer 40,000 ( 40k ) universe, as seen in Dawn of War and our previous mod WH40K : Rival Species.

The 40k universe is set in the year 40,000 by which time mankind has colonized millions of worlds thought the galaxy by interstellar warp travel. Humanity is ruled by a vast, uncaring, priesthood/bureaucracy on Earth in the name of an all powerful God/Emperor. A galaxy of insidious alien races have threatened and fought the Imperium since its earliest days in innumerable wars and battles.

Developers of this mod have deliberately chosen to include only the Imperium and Tyranid races out of the many that exist in the 40k universe in order to focus on the quality and polished that the mod would not have otherwise. Please do not ask about the other 40k races.

Exterminatus is feature complete and the game is fully playable. A public Beta is available for anyone that wants to try it. New Beta versions will be announced here, but there are also fortnightly public Alpha builds which being incomplete, unbalanced and often unstable aren't really worthy of news on ModDB, but are detailed at

Each map sees teams of Marine and Tyranid players competing in a series of mission objectives, culminating in a battle to decide the fate of the planet. This mod is purely multi-player, there is no co-op mode or player bots available.

Players that do well for their team are rewarded with the option to use more powerful player classes including special and heavy weapons marines, terminators, the tank like Carnifex and terrifying Lictor.


  • Two teams, with their own distinct appearance and game play styles
  • Three tiers of player classes, achieve success to unlock superior classes
  • Twelve playable classes, each with their own unique sounds, weapons and abilities
  • Mission and Objective based game play, with progressive spawn waves
Half-Life 2 mod


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1. ( 1.4 Gb )
2. ( 1.4 Gb )
3. ( 1.7 Gb )
Exterminatus Exterminatus Exterminatus Exterminatus Exterminatus Exterminatus Exterminatus Exterminatus Exterminatus Exterminatus Exterminatus
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