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Adventure, Horror

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Silent Hill: Alchemilla

Adventure, Horror

Views : 3668 ( +2 )
Downloads : 82
Uploader : NitrO
Created : 12/21/2014 8:10:55 PM
Rating :
 ( 4 ) 
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Version : 1.1
Developer / (s) : White Noise
Release date : 01/18/2015

Following translations are available : | english | russian |

Hello again, dear players and fans of Silent Hill games. We are planning to release our game, Alchemilla, as soon as possible. It will be end of December or first days of January, but we will try to bring it to you BEFORE 2015.

There are still quite a lot work to do especially with testing bugs and etc. We want to polish all things for you comfortable play.

It was REALLY hard to accept that fact that game WOULD NOT include: inventory system, melee or fire combat system, NPC`s interactions. (cause we cant find guys who could work with that kind of stuff seriosly and steadely)

This game is just a quest/hidden object (adventure type based game) in Silent Hill universe.

Today we have a nice video trailer for you. See you next time.

Mod Half-Life 2

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Silent Hill: Alchemilla Silent Hill: Alchemilla Silent Hill: Alchemilla Silent Hill: Alchemilla Silent Hill: Alchemilla Silent Hill: Alchemilla Silent Hill: Alchemilla Silent Hill: Alchemilla Silent Hill: Alchemilla Silent Hill: Alchemilla Silent Hill: Alchemilla Silent Hill: Alchemilla Silent Hill: Alchemilla Silent Hill: Alchemilla Silent Hill: Alchemilla
Установка модификаций для Half-Life 2
Алекс 12/20/2017, 4:15:55 PM commented :
играл в этот мод, очень атмосферный, то что здесь нету монстров это плюс, играя первый раз атмосфера давила, особенно когда первый раз все преобразовалось
мод на 10-ку
Кайлет 03/05/2022, 2:49:45 PM commented :
очень давно прошел этот мод! один из самых лучших модов для ХЛ2!
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